To ensure business continuity and securing the best talent, clients are relying on technology to interview and on-board candidates. If you need to hire whilst remote working, there are several ways to ensure a successful video interview and find the right candidate.
Choose your platform:
There are several options available including Skype, Zoom, Facetime and WhatsApp. Some of these also allow for conference interviews, so multiple interviewers can speak to a single candidate.
Remember the basics:
Before the interview, conduct a test run and check your devices are adequately charged. Be aware of what may be seen behind you and we suggest you sit in one location and do not move around.
Reflect your organisation’s culture:
During the interview, dress to reflect your typical workplace culture. If an employee can expect to be working in a corporate environment wear formal attire.
Give an indication of interview length:
It is also good to mention how long an interview will take before the call. They can then ensure their devices are adequately charged and that they do not need to change location.
Question preparation:
No different to a normal interview, have a set of questions prepared. These can be the same as you would ask in a face-to-face interview.
Video courtesy:
It’s challenging to maintain eye contact through a computer screen, but it can be done. Try to focus on the camera instead of your screen. Wait a moment after a candidate finishes their response to account for any lag due to slow internet speeds. This way, you won’t cut them off if they still have more to share.
Review the interview:
Some platforms have the ability to record your video interview, to review or share with others. If your chosen option doesn’t have this functionality, take notes of their responses or use an interview scorecard to assess how well they respond. After the interview, review any notes you jotted down and consider any further questions you would like to ask.
Fuel Recruitment has a robust and flexible business continuity plan in place so we will continue to deliver our services to high standards, whilst maintaining the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, clients and candidates.
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